Getting Outside Icon


We live in an era where screens dominate our attention. As indoor living has become the norm, the call of the outdoors is more important than ever. The benefits are as diverse as the landscapes we encounter. Escaping the walls that surround us, helps reconnect us with our natural habitat to tap into physical and mental well-being.

Time spent outside is more than a leisure activity – it's a holistic prescription for vitality, joy, and a balanced life. Discover nature’s positive impact on our mental health and how it inspires us to be more active. From awe-inspiring hikes to leisurely strolls in the park, the possibilities are endless, and the rewards are boundless.

So, whether you're a seasoned outdoor adventurer or someone who's yet to fully embrace the call of nature, join us as we venture into the world beyond our doorstep.

Unleashing the Potential Benefits of CBD for Dogs
March 5, 2024

Unleashing the Potential Benefits of CBD for Dogs

Our furry friends hold a special place in our hearts, and as responsible pet owners, we're always seeking ways to ensure their well-being and happiness. In recent years, a growing trend has emerged in the pet care industry – the use of CBD for pets. But what exactly is CBD, and how can it benefit our canine companions? In this guide, we'll explore the potential benefits of CBD for dogs, including its use for anxiety, joint pain, seizures, and more.


The Benefits of CBD and Yoga: 6 Ways CBD Can Elevate Your Experience
February 17, 2024

The Benefits of CBD and Yoga: 6 Ways CBD Can Elevate Your Experience

Yoga, a centuries-old practice, offers a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being, promoting flexibility, strength, and inner peace. As yoga enthusiasts seek ways to deepen their practice and maximize its benefits, CBD has emerged as a complementary aid in enhancing the yoga experience. Let's explore six ways CBD can elevate your yoga practice, from improving flexibility to enhancing mood and muscle recovery.


150 miles on the Kokopelli Trail: heat, rain, mud, snow, 60mph winds, broken bikes and smiles.
February 8, 2024

150 miles on the Kokopelli Trail: heat, rain, mud, snow, 60mph winds, broken bikes and smiles.

It goes something like this. So you’re having a few beers with a few buddies, maybe you’re reliving the moments of a great day skiing, biking… whatever. The point is, that one of them comes up with an idea for a little adventure that sounds really great at the moment. By the next beer, you’ve committed to something solely based on the fear of missing out. A few days later, the reality sets in about you what you just signed up for.


How Spending Time Outdoors Boosts Your Sleep Quality
December 2, 2023

How Spending Time Outdoors Boosts Your Sleep Quality

In our fast-paced, technology-driven lives, the quest for a good night's sleep often feels like an uphill battle. But what if the key to unlocking a restful night lies just outside our doors? Let’s explore the fascinating connection between spending time outdoors and achieving a better quality of sleep.


Running to Beat Anxiety
September 5, 2023

Running to Beat Anxiety

There’s a gift we receive on the inside that comes from being outside. Staying active and breathing fresh air is fundamental for better mental and physical health…


How to Strengthen Your Immune System
August 30, 2023

How to Strengthen Your Immune System

In the pursuit of a vibrant life, a strong immune system is your greatest ally. While it's impossible to guarantee complete immunity, there are practical steps you can take to naturally enhance your body's defense mechanisms...


Reclaiming Your Fitness Journey
August 27, 2023

Reclaiming Your Fitness Journey

Life's unpredictable twists and turns often lead us away from our exercise routines. Whether it's due to a busy schedule, a health setback, or simply losing motivation, taking a break from regular physical activity is common...


5 Tips for Staying Hydrated
August 25, 2023

5 Tips for Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated is one of the most crucial aspects of maintaining good health, yet it's often overlooked or underestimated. The benefits of staying hydrated are numerous, ranging from improved physical performance to enhanced cognitive function. Let’s explore five essential tips for staying hydrated and reaping the many advantages it offers