Written by: Nick Bedard | Published: June 29, 2024

Understanding Canine Fear: Why Dogs Are Afraid of Loud Noises and How to Help Them Feel Safe

Understanding and Managing Noise Sensitivity Anxiety

Many dog owners have experienced the distressing sight of their furry friends shaking, panting, or trying to hide during thunderstorms or fireworks displays. This common issue, known as noise sensitivity anxiety, can cause significant stress for both dogs and their owners. Understanding why dogs are scared of fireworks and thunder, and recognizing the signs of their anxiety, can help pet parents provide the comfort and care their pets need.

So why Are Dogs Scared of Fireworks?

With the Fourth of July upon us, fireworks are a popular part of many celebrations, but they can be a source of terror for dogs. The sudden, loud noises and bright flashes can be overwhelming for our canine companions. Unlike humans, who understand the context of fireworks, dogs perceive these sudden changes as potential threats. The unpredictability of the sounds and lights, combined with their acute hearing, makes fireworks particularly frightening.

Why Are Dogs Scared of Thunder?

Thunderstorms present a similar challenge for dogs. The loud, booming noise of thunder, often accompanied by bright flashes of lightning, can trigger intense fear. Dogs may also pick up on changes in barometric pressure and static electricity that precede a storm, adding to their anxiety. Their heightened senses make these natural phenomena even more pronounced and unsettling.

Why Is My Dog Shaking and Panting?

If your dog is shaking and panting during a loud noise event, they are likely experiencing anxiety. These physical responses are part of the fight-or-flight reaction, where the body prepares to either confront or escape a perceived threat. Panting helps dogs regulate their body temperature and cope with stress, while shaking is a common sign of fear. In extreme cases, dogs might also exhibit other behaviors such as whining, hiding, or trying to escape.

Shaking can also occur for various reasons beyond noise anxiety. It might indicate cold, pain, illness, or fear. If your dog shakes primarily during thunderstorms or fireworks, it is likely due to noise sensitivity anxiety. However, if shaking occurs frequently or without a clear trigger, it’s best to consult a veterinarian to rule out other health issues.

Managing Noise Sensitivity Anxiety in Dogs

Creating a Safe Space:

Provide a quiet, comfortable area where your dog can retreat, with familiar items like blankets and toys. Kind of like a “man cave” but for your pet instead.

Stay Calm:

Dogs can pick up on their owners' emotions. Staying calm and providing reassurance can help reduce their anxiety.

Desensitization Training:

Gradually exposing your dog to low levels of the feared sound and rewarding calm behavior can help them become less sensitive over time.

To be sure, noise sensitivity anxiety is a common issue among dogs, with fireworks and thunderstorms being significant triggers. Understanding the reasons behind this fear and recognizing the signs can help us pet parents provide effective support and create a more comfortable environment for doggos. By taking proactive steps to manage their anxiety, we can help our them feel safe and secure, even during the loudest storms and celebrations.

What Can I Give My Dog for Anxiety?

Dogs, just like us, can experience anxiety for a variety of reasons, such as loud noises, separation, or unfamiliar environments. Managing this anxiety effectively can significantly improve your pet's quality of life. If you’re wondering, “What can I give my dog for anxiety?” there are several options available, ranging from calming aids and supplements to specific treats and oils designed to soothe anxious pets. Here’s a look at some of the best options.

When it comes to the best calming aids for dogs, there are many products designed to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. These aids can include:


These are snug-fitting garments that apply gentle pressure, similar to swaddling an infant, which can help calm dogs during stressful situations like thunderstorms or fireworks. Besides, what dog wouldn’t feel just a bit more stylish in one these?

Calming Music:

Playing soothing music can help create a calm environment for your dog. Anything by “Three Dog Night” for example. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist...for those 70’s music lovers)


Certain essential oils, like lavender, can have a calming effect on dogs. However, it's important to use oils that are safe for pets and to consult with a veterinarian before use.

Calming supplements can be a great way to help manage your dog's anxiety. They often contain natural ingredients known for their calming properties, such as:

  • L-Theanine and L-Tryptophan: Amino acids that help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.
  • Melatonin: A hormone that can help regulate sleep and reduce anxiety, especially during nighttime.
  • Valerian Root and Chamomile: Herbs known for their calming effects.

Many pet owners have found success with specific calming supplements that combine these ingredients into easy-to-administer chews or capsules.

What Can I Give My Dog to Calm Him Down from Fireworks or Thunderstorms?

Fireworks and thunderstorms can be a major source of anxiety for dogs. To help calm your dog during fireworks, consider the following options:

CBD for Dog Anxiety

CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained popularity as a natural remedy for dog anxiety. It works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate mood and stress responses. Many dog owners report significant improvements in their pets' anxiety levels after using CBD oil or CBD-infused treats. When selecting CBD products, look for those specifically designed for pets and ensure they are third-party tested for quality and purity. CBD oil is easy to administer, just simply add a few drops into their dog food. Bacon or other flavored oils often work well.

Calming Oil for Dogs

Calming oils, including CBD oil, have become increasingly popular for managing dog anxiety. CBD oil, derived from hemp, is known for its potential to reduce anxiety without causing a "high." When choosing a CBD oil for dog anxiety, ensure it’s specifically formulated for pets and contains no THC. Remember, THC is the cannabinoid that causes the “high” … so that’s definitely a no-no for our pets. So always make sure any CBD for pets contains ZERO THC. When administering CBD to your pet, it’s important to start with a low dose and monitor your dog’s response, gradually adjusting as needed.

Calming Treats for Dogs

Calming treats are a convenient way to provide anxiety relief. These treats often contain similar ingredients to calming supplements. CBD dog treats or chews work similar to CBD oils if you prefer to give treats instead of oil.

There are numerous options available to help manage your dog’s anxiety, from calming aids and supplements to specific treats and oils. Each dog is unique, so it may take some experimentation to find the best solution for your pet. Always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for your dog’s specific needs. By providing the right support, you can help your furry friend lead a calmer, happier life.


These sources provide reliable and comprehensive information about dog anxiety and how to manage it effectively.

American Kennel Club (AKC)

Noise Phobia in Dogs
How to Help a Dog Scared of Thunder
CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know


Why Is My Dog Afraid of Thunderstorms?
How to Calm an Anxious Dog


Fireworks Safety Tips

Whole Dog Journal

When a Dog is Afraid of Thunder

Veterinary Partner

Noise Phobia in Dogs